It has been announced that all proceeds from Bill Gates’ autobiography about his early years, to be published in February next year, will be donated to United Way Worldwide (UWW).

Relations between United Way and the Gates family go back a long way. Bill Gates’ mother, Mary Gates, served as a board member of United Way Worldwide. His father was a campaign chairman in Seattle, Washington. And Bill and Melinda Gates currently hold honorary chairs of UWW’s National Megagifts Committee.

Despite these close ties, it came as a surprise when it was recently reported that Bill Gates intends to donate all proceeds from his upcoming book to United Way. Entitled Source Code: My Beginnings, the book unfolds the story of how Bill Gates became who he is today. He talks about his childhood, his family and his early friendships and passions, stopping short of the creation of Microsoft and the Gates Foundation.

United Way the Netherlands congratulates its parent organization on its abiding connection with the Gates family. We are looking forward to further news about the publication of this doubtlessly fascinating book, written by a unique business leader and philanthropist.

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