In 2020, the WHO’s World Elder Abuse Awareness Day struck a different chord than it did in previous years. This time, the emphasis was on the psychological neglect and isolation caused by Covid-19. In the Netherlands as elsewhere, the restrictions imposed by the government made contact with carers and loved ones much more difficult. As a result, many elderly people felt increasingly lonely and isolated, even abandoned.

According to Nationaal Ouderenfonds, 45 percent of Dutch seniors suffer from loneliness. Inevitably, the pandemic made things worse. This is why we decided to reach out to donors and other partners to improve the lives of some of those affected. On the occasion of the Elder Awareness day in June we announce the kick-off of Reaching the Unreachable, which combines support for two population groups worst hit by the virus: isolated seniors and refugees. Along with a number of other partners, the support of 3M Netherlands for the success of this project is expected to be invaluable.

Since this news item was posted, UW-NL has started a second project to help both elderly and refugees under the title Joining Forces.

For additional information please contact Cedar Cox-McAllister:

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